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A member registered Jul 10, 2022

Recent community posts

"Yeah ayzman is right. I don't plan to add content to koboldkare. I have a plan to do some server stuff to make players safer though"

this is quoted from the dev's discord server. they may add more in the distant future but it looks highly unlikely.

if the engine is changing, does this roadmap still hold up?

Here coming from steam,

The demo didn't load when downloaded from steam (im sure its being worked on) but does the itch version work?

Definitely. But as the dev has said in other comments they develop solo. And if the dev loses interest there's really no point in continuing development ): . But theres still a chance for future development so that's somthing to hope for I guess

Is this game being updated still?

how did you reinstall it?

Is there a soundtrack/ost playlist on youtube for this game? The soundtrack unironically slaps!